Tag Archives: economic freedom

Defending Free Choice

A letter from Dr. Ed Schweitzer, President and Founder of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories August 18, 2021 I established www.fairfreeflatopen.com this morning to fulfill a particular need to defend our freedom to choose insurance options regarding long-term care. In 2019, Washington state voters voted 63 to 37 percent to repeal the Long-Term Care Act. This was

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Gas, Gas Bans, and Gas Ban Bans: Do We Really Want Politicians Designing Our Energy Systems?

Cities across the country, Spokane included, want to forbid us from using natural gas in our homes, schools, and businesses. Washington State legislators and regulators are pushing statewide bans, in parallel tracks. Mark Twain said the past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. Inventors and investors sought and created ways of providing illumination. Beef

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We’re Cooking with Gas! …But for How Long?

Our country finally achieved energy independence – a dream for many decades. President Carter created the US Department of Energy, with the vision of the United States becoming truly energy independent. Entrepreneurs in our country invented, developed, and perfected advanced means of producing natural gas. Their successes were so profound as to literally reverse the

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Dr. Schweitzer’s Recommended Reads

Below are a list of books that are highly recommended by Dr. Schweitzer. Most books are linked through the nonprofit organization archive.org. With a free account, you can borrow a digital copy of the book in its entirety at no cost. Exceptions are noted. Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman (1962) Free to Choose by

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